More Results, Less Strain

Practical Fitness & Wellness Strategies for Your Unique Life.

Free Resources & Education

Your all in one resource when it comes to exercise and the makings of a fit life with individualized wellness! The membership includes Training Programs, Mobility and Recovery programs/protocols, PDF's, Videos, Courses, Monthly Challenges and more! All of which are routinely updated and can be accessed anytime from anywhere for free!

FIT Course

Fitness Inspired Transformation

Whether you workout in your garage, in a gym, or in a group setting this course will help show you training in a more intentional way. No longer feel lost on what to work on or how to modify any program to you no matter your goals, injuries, or style of training you enjoy. All of this while creating a map on how to use your time and efforts in the gym to make wellness by your definition tangible in everyday life.

1on1 coaching

1 on 1
Coaching & Guidance

Individualized, goal oriented programing and behavior/lifestyle modification with the ease and accountability of a coach. Go from being overwhelmed and confused on how to reach your goals inside and out of the gym to having the knowledge and results to prove that what you're doing fits into YOUR vision of individual health and wellness. Remote and in-person (Grand Rapids, MI area) options available!

Helping You Develop Life Altering Skills and Mental Frameworks Through Fitness.

  • Results not reflecting your efforts?
  • Tired of aimless workouts that leave you feeling drained?
  • Unsure of what to do long term or how to adapt when “life” happens? 
  • Fitness and wellness stress you out more than enrich you?

Finally feel Empowered, Excited and Encouraged from your Efforts.


Develop Strength, Power, Muscle Mass, Cardio, and Mobility without burnout or countless hours in the gym. Giving you the freedom to do what you love.


Feel a sense of ease and confidence knowing your efforts are getting you to your goals inside, and outside of the gym. All while staying true to the lifestyle you wish to live.


Tap into your nervous systems calming abilities paired with how you personally best manage physical and emotional stress for increased performance and overall well-being.