Individualized Coaching & Support to Help You Reach Your Goals

Coaching to Fit Your Needs

From your first interaction with your coach you will know that we do things differently here. We don’t provide you with a secret method or the latest trend. In all honesty our approach changes with every client.


Because our coaching is built AROUND YOU and FOR  YOU!

Everything from the way we program, how we communicate, coach involvement, and countless other factors go into creating a unique 1 of 1 program specifically made to help you reach your goals.

So whether you are looking for in person or online coaching read more below to see how we do this!

coaching movement

Fitness, Health, and Wellness are Individualized.

You know what you want your life to look like and what you physically want achieve or be able to do better than anybody else. 

If not, then you at least know it’s time for a change, and awareness is the first step to that change!

No matter what category you may fall in one thing is for certain, you’re ready for results.

Not only are you ready for results, but you’re ready to have them without burning out or sacrificing other important aspects of your life as well.

Sound Familiar? You’re in the right place!

So whether you want to gain strength, muscle, athleticism, cardio, change your habits outside of the gym, improve nutrition, or simply have greater tangible overall health and wellness in your routine day to day.

We will work together to make that happen and give you the tools + skills to ensure lasting results.

Coaching Breakdown

1 on 1 Coaching

Whats Included?

– Free Access to the True Coach Training App for Tracking and Communication

– A  fully individualized plan built around the style of exercise you like, your schedule, and your goals. 

– Warm Up’s, Mobility, and Accessories curated around your needs (without spending countless hours in the gym)

– Technique and Form Correction/Guidance on every exercise.

–  Lifestyle and Nutrition modification assistance (without drastic unsustainable changes)

– Clarification and Notes for everything so you’re never confused on what to do, feel, or focus on. 

Best For:

Someone who is overwhelmed or confused with how to use their time inside and outside of the gym to reach their definition of fitness and wellness.

Someone who wants to learn as they go so they can develop the skills/knowledge needed to make empowered & educated decisions when it comes to their fitness and wellness.

Simply stated, for the person who wants a client focused, well rounded, stand alone (or accessory) strength and conditioning program with the benefits and accountability of a caring coach!

What Makes This Coaching Different?

Coaching Interactions

Whether you need accountability, support, feedback, education or a combination of all of these we are here to support you in the way that works best for you!

More Than a Workout Plan

What you do for exercise is important, however, outside the gym is where most of the magic happens. We take current and future lifestyle factors into account to make sure you have adaptability in your plan while still being effective.

Learn as you go

Our coaching is based around education and skill development. If we aren't empowering you to eventually need us less or guiding you toward maintenance coaching, then we are doing you and all of our clients a disservice.

End In Mind

Your short term goals are rest stops on the path to your longer term goals. Whether you have future goals or not our coaching has a long term approach to ensure you are empowered for the long haul.

Relationship's Matter

Whether we work individually with you for 3 months, 1 year, or 10+ years our goal is build a relationship where you feel welcomed, comfortable, and confident to explore and gain experience in your fitness and wellness.

Train and Have Fun!

Goal is to enjoy what you do, mix what you like with what you need and get the most from your efforts

Apply Below For 1 on 1 Coaching!


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For In-Person Coaching:

Pricing will depend on frequency and duration.

[Example session rate breakdown: $75 1x/week, $60 2x/week, $50  3x/week, $45 4+x/week]

Reach out and let’s chat!

For Online Coaching:

$300/month or

$750 for 3 months ($50 off per month)

$1,200 for 6 months ($100 off per month)

For In Person Coaching we serve the greater Grand Rapids, MI area.

*we operate out of a fully equipped private facility in downtown Grand Rapids.

For Online Coaching any location with Internet access will do!

No matter your goals or the style in which you like to exercise we are here to help create a 100% individualized plan to help you achieve your goals.

Whether you want a stand alone program or a supplemental program to coincide with what you are already doing.

You will help in the creation of what we work toward so until we know more about YOU we don’t have any specific outline on programming. 

The best resuts would come from equipment that you would find in a typical garage, commercial (globo), or crossfit gym.

With that said though we will create a plan based around any (or no) equipment you have regular access to.