About Full Story Wellness

Full Story Wellness aims to educate and empower individuals to enrich their lives through exercise long term.

We help provide the knowledge, skills, and mental frameworks needed to bridge the seemingly impossible gap of achieving your goals now, and having a blueprint for what to focus on long term.

All while being adaptable to the unpredictability of life. 

Freeing up time and energy so you can work toward creating tangible wellness in your day to day outside of the gym! 

This starts with individualization. Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint we also have unique preferences, skills, needs, and lifestyles. These paired with the simple truths within fitness, health, and wellness produce the lasting results we can all achieve!

We are here to help match these truths to you so you can experience all the things you want without your fitness ever being a limiting factor!

Fitness & Wellness Strategies For Your Unique Life

Free Membership

This membership (workout programs, recovery routines, education, lifestyle modification, and more) aims to help you become the most empowered, confident, and educated version of yourself you can be when it comes to personal fitness and using it as a catapult for other areas in your life!

Along with your membership you will receive 1-4 monthly emails about any updates/things added to the membership so you don’t miss out. Plus, some tips to get the most from your efforts. 

Can’t wait to see you inside!

member exclusives

Meet The Founder/Head Coach

My name is Josh and I’m here to help you live the vibrant, fulfilling life you know you’re destined to live! Because while health and wellness is a huge part of life, how we spread it and utilize it is what really matters.

Fun Random Facts:

  • I love learning more about music, history, psychology, philosophy, business, and physical culture. 
  • The Grateful Dead are my favorite band.
  • Hockey is my favorite sport.
  • Coffee is amazing. Nothing beats a pour over natural light roast or a cortado. 
  • Enneagram Type 9 
  • Have a cat named Ashland with my partner Jessica (they’re the best!)

Professional/Fitness Facts:

  • I started working out when I was 13 years old and have stuck with it for over 17 years now.
  • Have coached professionally for over 10 years.
  • I have a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science from Western Michigan University (Go Broncos!) and various post education certifications.
  • Lucky to have many mentors along the way who are way smarter than me!

Free Resources & Education

Your all in one resource when it comes to exercise and the makings of a fit life with individualized wellness! The membership includes Training Programs, Mobility and Recovery programs/protocols, PDF's, Videos, Courses, Monthly Challenges and more! All of which are routinely updated and can be accessed anytime from anywhere for free!

FIT Course

Fitness Inspired Transformation

Whether you workout in your garage, in a gym, or in a group setting this course will help show you training in a more intentional way. No longer feel lost on what to work on or how to modify any program to you no matter your goals, injuries, or style of training you enjoy. All of this while creating a map on how to use your time and efforts in the gym to make wellness by your definition tangible in everyday life.

1on1 coaching

1 on 1
Coaching & Guidance

Individualized, goal oriented programing and behavior/lifestyle modification with the ease and accountability of a coach. Go from being overwhelmed and confused on how to reach your goals inside and out of the gym to having the knowledge and results to prove that what you're doing fits into YOUR vision of individual health and wellness. Remote and in-person (Grand Rapids, MI area) options available!

Thank you for being here!

Make sure to check out the blog tab, the podcast, and our social media pages to stay in touch and for free education/content.

Random FAQ

Below are some questions to help you learn alittle more about me (Josh) and Full Story Wellness. Question not listed? email contact@fullstorywellness.com

Sports/athletics my whole life (virtually every sport [*list some here + the action sport/general kid stuff from the neighborhood] until high school (which was just football/track/lifting). I started lifting as well (13ish) and started to fall in love with training more than sport. All through college, then to keep up with athletes I was working with (hello burn out) and slowly changed to a more healthy/balanced approach that I have today. My current routine looks like; move, lift, hockey, play etc.

uncles/cousins were coaches, first coaching gig was youth football, PT internships and jobs in college, Athletes/Teams/some general pop for 4 years in private sector after college, crossfit/group fitness until pandemic, mobility/boutique fitness after, started out on my own.  

first idea/concept was in college (2014-15ish, logo is actually from then), taking in lots of podcast/blog/stuff around this time. Then put on hold for awhile while I gained experience and direction in the field. 

To help as many people as possible learn to find and express fitness and wellness in their own enriching way.