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Partial Reps (what, when, where, why)

Partial Repetitions are a great tool to produce a certain training or exercise stimulus. This video (bottom of page) and article goes over the what, when, where, and why of partial repetitions so you can begin to utilize them in the most beneficial way in your exercise or training program!


    Partial reps are a movement or exercise performed where you only complete a part of the range of motion versus a full range of motion. This can be for any exercise or movement. This can also be done to a varying degree, meaning we can perform a small range of motion or quarter rep partial, a half partial or 90 degree partial, or a bigger partial that almost completes the full range of motion.  


    While partial reps are a great tool they shouldn’t be used for the majority of our exercises or movements. Most of our sessions should be aimed at developing, strengthening, and utilizing full ranges of motion. When we could utilize partial ranges of motion would be to learn/develop a certain part of a lift or exercise (squat, deadlift etc.), or  to perform a burn out set/finisher for a certain muscle group you want to develop or fatigue more.


    Where we would put partial reps depends on what we are trying to get out of them. If we are utilizing them to learn or enhance a certain position of a exercise then the beginning of a session after the warm is a great place to put them. That way you are fresh and focused on improving and engraining the habits associated with that exercise. If you are looking for more of a burn out or want to sculpt a certain muscle partial reps at the very end of an exercise (think last set) will be enough to get the stimulus we are after.


    The biggest benefit to performing partial reps is because of the added tension this causes on the structures involved. For someone trying to improve bicep size keeping constant tension on the muscle during the exercise is how you would target them with more intensity. For someone who needs help improving their technique in a certain lift, maintaining constant tension in the right areas during the lift is crucial. What partials allow for you to do is practice maintaining that tension to the point where you either lose it, or are weakest. 

To Your Success,

– Josh