FIT: Forever Intentionally Training

Imagine if your fitness was never a limiting factor for what you wanted to do in your life...

Exercise should Enrich Us, not Stress Us

You know that exercise is a big part of having a long active life. You also know that in order to stick to it long term (while hopefully enjoying it) you need to have a plan that matches your lifestyle, goals, and desires.  

So you’ve put in the time to learn more about various types of fitness and wellness strategies to see what is the best.

Do I do try and get stronger? Maybe I should focus on building muscle? What about cardio thats important, crap mobility too! What if I wanted or needed to modify a group class to my goals? What about what that person said on Instagram about what I should focus on?

There have been some setbacks along the way as well.

Maybe you have battled through a small injury or two. Or simply have felt lost and uninspired for seemingly longer periods of time. 

Not only that, other priorities started to become more important. Work, family, hobbies, finding time to relax/decompress.  This resulted in even less time in the gym and even more confusion and frustration.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Where Most Get Stuck

No Long Term Vision

We all know having an active lifestyle is important for healthy aging. When you know where you are going it's easier to decide how you'll get there. The problem is the fitness industry is focused on sprinting the marathon that is life verses planning with the end in mind. Let alone YOUR end in mind.

Information Over Skills

We sadly are not taught how and what to focus on for lasting fitness, health, and wellness. Let alone taught the skills needed to ensure you stick with habits and activities that are enriching to you long term. Most fitness courses are just information products versus courses designed for skill development and self sufficiency.

No Measure Other Than Fatigue

Most people judge a good workout plan by how tired each day makes them, how sore they get, or how long/short each workout was. Imagine if you were so confident in your efforts producing results that it wasn't a surprise but expected, while also having the personal experience to back it up.

Everything At Once

Trying to get as strong as possible while also trying to put on as much muscle as possible, at the same time you want to improve your cardio and athleticism is setting yourself up for failure. Especially for those of us who want to have a normal life outside the gym and not spend multiple hours a day there.

Small Set Backs/Injuries

Lifting weights is one of the safest forms of exercise out there. This means that small little aches or tweaks that happen in the gym likely have a cause that is identifiable. Picture that you have learned to have a self awareness as to why you may have these repeating set backs and as a result prolong your longevity in (& out of) the weight room.

The Secret xyz..

We have all been there. "This new 8 week program is the one thats REALLY going to give me those results". Only to find it was not much different than what you were previously doing or gave the same so-so results. The truth is there is no "secret program" or "finally done" when it comes to fitness. The true secret is seeing the creative opportunity this brings to our fitness routines and choices.

That Was My Weight Room Reality For Years

It wasn’t until I…

Simplified and Defined Fitness and Wellness

that I eventually stopped running through the vicious cycle of

Hyper Interest –> Unsustainable or Misdirected Action–> Burn Out or Injury –> Time Away –> Self loathing and shame for giving up/not trying hard enough. Repeat.

This cycle went on for YEARS

It doesn’t have to for you though.

To simplify the weight room we only need to focus on our strengths, weaknesses and desires.

Then we match this to what our current life situation looks like and allows us to do. 

This is true for ANY training/exercise style you enjoy doing

You’re already consistent the problem isn’t your effort, it’s where it’s being focused or your beliefs about fitness itself. 


We Believe Everyone Should be Able To

It's Easier Than You May Think

Change the way you see Fitness and Yourself.

– Whether you want to train by yourself, have the knowledge to modify group programs/classes for your goals and needs, have a deeper relationship to your health, or a combination of all of these, have the know how to plan and adapt no matter what life throws your way. 

– This program is created out of the idea “If you give someone a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.” 

So no matter what you do, there is no ones agenda but YOURS. While still getting support and guidance whenever you need or want it.

What Do Clients Say?

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Amanda Lee
Ceo & Founder Crix
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Adam Cheise
Head Of Sales , Intel

Course Breakdown

Learn How to

– Know your daily “What & Why” and how it fits within any exercise program (& what to do when things don’t go as planned)

– Know exactly what your definition of fitness and wellness are and how to match them to your unique lifestyle 

– Feel Confident in your ability to walk into any gym or facility and be able to feel Capable & Comfortable. 

– Understand the Differences and Similarities between various Training Programs (and how to make any of them work for you)

– Include Mobility, Movement Prep, Technique Work & Core Training Without More Time in the Gym

– Know what to work on to have the physical freedom to do all the things/activities you want in life

How It Works

– Online modules with Lifetime Access (also includes any and all future updates + features added to course at no additional cost)

– Videos & PDF/Workbook Downloads for each Module that you can access at any time

– FITmember monthly Q&A’s, Coaching Calls, and more *see below in the FAQ & Bonus features + Benefits.

Best For:

The committed and curious gym goer or home gymer who wants to get more from their efforts. For someone who feels overwhelmed with how to use their time in the gym and wants the knowledge that what they are doing fits into the greater whole of their individual view of long term health & wellness. All of this while knowing you are being supported and guided from afar by a loving/accepting community ready to help whenever you may need. 

A Fitness Resource & Membership That Evolves With You

Module 1

First Things First: Unless we define where we are going everything we do could actually not be getting us closer to our end goal or desire. Define fitness, health, and wellness in your own terms and learn to create your vision of these for years to come.

Module 2

Everything Works but What Matters Most?: Before we start to individualize a program or plan we need to look at the metrics we all should be keeping an eye on no matter what style of training we do. This is the overlap that all exercise shares with our modern life.

Module 3

Here and Now: Start taking a look at some key factors that go into optimizing a plan for you such as your current training age, injury history, stage of life, self care/wellness skills, and goals. These are the main building blocks that will help to make the actual day to day more laser focused no matter your goals.

Module 4

The Basics of All Training Methods: Here is where the meat and potatoes of the course starts. This is where we begin to go over joint by joint assessments, planes of motion, energy systems, volume, load, intensity, progressions, training templates and more. Most importantly though, what all of this means to you and your goals.


Weight Room Genres: Here is where we breakdown the differences/similarities between different training styles (bodyweight, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, cardio etc.). We will also learn how to use these styles of programming to achieve various goals so you're always doing a style of exercise that suits you.

Module 6

How to Modify Any Program to You: This module will go over various examples of how to modify a program to your abilities/limitations, equipment availability, current life situation, and goals. So whether you do group classes, try out different preprogrammed training designs, or do what your friends do feel empowered taking ownership over your physical fitness in any set or setting.

Bonus Features & Added Benefits

  • Lifetime Access *Including ANY & ALL future updates at no additional cost ($1000+ Value)
  • FREE 40min Coaching/Support Call to help you with your training or to answer any questions (& to begin our relationship for any future support and guidance!) 
  • FREE monthly Q & A where we will answer any questions you and other FITmembers may have! (*access to all past recordings as well)
  • FOREVER get a yearly 20% off discount code to use for 1 on 1 Coaching Calls/Check In’s! (good for the whole year/multi use, new one sent personally each year) *NOTE: these are for coaching & helping you not for selling you anything 🙂  

What Do Clients Say?

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Amanda Lee
Ceo & Founder Crix
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Adam Cheise
Head Of Sales , Intel

Accountability, Coaching, and more.

– Whether you want to train by yourself, want the knowledge and ability to modify group programs/classes to your goals and abilities, or a combination of all of these, have the know how to plan for the short term and the long term no matter what life throws your way. 

– This program is created out of the idea “If you give someone a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.”

So no matter what you do, there is no ones agenda but YOURS


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After purchase you will receive immediate access to all modules in the course and then you will get a personalized welcome email from me within 24 hours. (not automated or some AIchat bot I promise!)

The course is a go at your own pace style of course. It’s almost like a membership more than it is a course. You can go after it like a cookbook in the sense of choosing what sounds most appetizing or prevalent for you and go back and forth forever when you need or want to.

My goal with this course is to help you become the most empowered, confident, and educated version of yourself you can be when it comes to personal fitness and using it as a catapult for other areas in your life.

My goal is to also support you along the way as needed through the discounted coaching calls. Maybe it’s every quarter, every 6 months, once a year, every 5 years. Either way, you will be supported whenever you need it.

Whether you continue to use the free membership on the site in conjunction with this course, decide to write your own workouts, do group classes, or find another coach I know you will have a greater understanding of your abilities, goals, and how to achieve them!  

The course will teach you how to get the most out of a program with limited equipment and how to modify any plan based on equipment (plus your goals and ever changing abilities).

So any will do!

Also the monthly Q&A’s are a great place to ask questions in a group setting and you will always be able to access them for free!

You also will have a yearly 20% off discount to 1on1 coaching calls if you have any further coaching needs. 



The final module will go over how to work around certain limitations and still achieve the training stimulus you’re after.

Also in module 3 & 4 we will go over joint by joint assessments and how to create a long term road map on how to keep the body moving pain free based on potential findings from your assessments.

* If your injury is major please go seek a professional in person. If you need help finding someone please email us at or go to